Join Kimberly Ann Johnson and Kendra Cunov for a 5-day in-person retreat in Boonville, California.
Together, we’ll sit at the feet of the great web of interdependence and attend to the intimate truth of our relationality with all things through deep explorations of our connection with ourselves, with each other, with earth & with spirit.
We know — cognitively — that we are connected.
We understand that our lives are about more than ‘just us’. We can feel that we need each other, that we need a deeper connection to place & land, that our relationship with spirit must be more than simply a place we go to ‘get’.
But most of us still struggle with how to bring this awareness into our lives in a meaningful way.
This retreat is an opportunity to explore what this means as a lived practice.
This is a space to be nourished…
…through rest, healing, laughter, grief, expression, joy, deep connection, good food, play, being with what is so, desire, wonder…
You will come away freer & more able to meet every aspect of your life.
May we all know, viscerally, our own belonging in the great web of all things.